
My First Month

Hello, hello!  ひさしぶりです。 Once again, my post comes past the one week mark... But I am still trying to have weekly post updates!  This week's been full of work, so it was difficult to sit in front of the laptop and type everything out.  But here I am!

Where to start... It's been a a bit of a crazy week.  Monday was actually a national holiday here, but we ended up working nine hours a day from Tuesday to Friday so we made up the time off.  On the plus side, however, we finished a lot of the preparations we needed for the school!  We've been spending this week preparing a bunch of different kinds of materials for the three campuses of the school.  I've even been doing very tacky, amateur poster making with my limited artistic ability; thankfully, the staff liked them and I have more to do next week.  I probably should have led with this, but the kids finished school last week.  They have a three week break, I believe, while the breaks for different teachers vary.  So far, it's been continuous work for us, but I'm hoping we get a few days off before school starts.

I'm very content with where I am, though.  Where I am emotionally, mentally, and physically.  There's still a part of me that feels like I need some more time to settle in, but there's another part of me that feels like all my needs are being met without fail.  And I believe this to be true.  God has been very faithful to me in this time of personal transition.  I haven't had to spend very much money so far, there are convenience stores, super markets, a pharmacy, a Tsutaya, and an electronics/home appliances store all within a fifteen minute bike ride from where I'm staying, the family here has been cooking for us almost daily, and to top it off, I get to go to church tomorrow!  I've really been looking forward to meeting with a community here.  Some of you know where my spiritual journey was before leaving, and to be honest, it hasn't changed much.  Yet, there's something in me that's been longing to experience corporate worship once more and meet with other believers here.  I also do not believe it's coincidence that I'm able to go to church for the first time after arriving in Japan on my first Passion Week outside of the U.S.  One of the families who lives somewhat close to me has graciously offered to pick me up.  God is good, even when I am not, and even when I don't want to be.  God loves me even when I don't reciprocate, and even when I don't want to reciprocate.  He is patient with me as parents are patient with their toddlers who first learn to stand on their own and walk.  And so I hope that both you and I, dear friend, have an amazing Resurrection Sunday tomorrow.

Thank you for reading thus far, and here are a few more pictures:

P.S. As of 4:30ish JST, it will have been my first month here (Crazy how time flies...)

I hope to post again sooner than before (forreals this time), but until then, ja mata!


  1. My comment got deleted somehow T__T
    Anyways, what I wrote was:
    It's crazy how time flies!!!
    Your pictures are always nice.. but where are the pictures of the tacky posters you made? LOL
    Hope you have an awesome Resurrection Sunday!! Excited for you to finally go to church!

    1. LOLLL no pictures of that, sorryz. Ugh but the staff said they like them a lot so we printed a handful of them to put up at the different campuses. Yes, church was awesome!

  2. Woot! Passion week! :) Hope you had an awesome Resurrection Sunday!!

    1. You too, Kevin! Thank you for faithfully replying on my posts and making me feel loved. My love language is when people comment on my posts. It's a very niche and new love language that I just made up.

  3. Hope you had a blessing Resurrection Sunday, having the corporate worship time and meeting the Christian community there!!!

    1. Thanks, Hyunjeong! Hope you had a great Resurrection Sunday, too! I miss playing board games with all of you guys already... I think you would like it out here, a lot of girls are interested in K-pop groups but I don't really have anything to say to them about these groups.
